1. Call to Order Vice-President, Jody Woods
2. Those present: Bill and Kathy Ganson, Dee Ann Downing, Shirin Spangenbetg, Carol Smith, Torch and Sally Elliott, Chris Haslock, Nancy and Gary Pinnell, Shirley and Glenn Wright, Jay Sheridan, David Dorsey, Rob Thimm, Ed Orschel, Adam Strachan, Cheryl Govin, Alison and Chris Patton, Jody Wood, Larry Warren.
3. Motion to approve minutes of May 1, 2018 by Adam Strachan, seconded by Glenn Wright. Unanimous approval.
4. Motion to approve Financial Report by Larry Warren, seconded by Adam Strachan. Unanimous approval.
Financials as of 3/30/2019
5. Architecture Committee Update Gary Pinnell and Ed Orschel report that there have been only remodels. No new construction. Gary Pinnell wants to replace our three entry signs. He will get ideas and estimates and report to Board. Motion to approve Board decision on signs by Chris Patton. Seconded by Gary Pinnell. Unanimous approval. Gary would also like to hear about Park City’s long-term plans to replace aging water connection infrastructure. Alfred Knotts will investigate and reply.
6. Motion to re-elect to Board of Trustees: Cynthia Sandoval, Francie McNally and Glenn Wright to terms expiring 2022 by Gary Pinnell. Seconded by Chris Haslock. Unanimous approval.
7. Motion to re-elect to one-year terms on Construction/Architecture Committee: Gary Pinnell, Ed Orschel and Tom Ward by Sally Elliott, seconded by Glenn Wright. Unanimous approval.
8. Motion to set dues amount-June 1, 2019-May 31, 2020 at $25/year by Ed Orschel. Seconded by Gary Pinnell. Unanimous approval.
9. Unanimous decision to hold Lobstah Party-July 20 @ $30/lobster at Prospector Park. Adam Strachan will submit application to Park City.
10. Alfred Knotts, Park City Director of Transportation reported:
a. Bike lanes will be established on Deer Valley Drive from the traffic circle at Heber Avenue to Bonanza Drive. Alfred will send link to packet with particulars about plans.
b. SR248 improvement plans from Top Stop to US 40 are currently in NEPA phase. The Rail Trail was rejected as a possible corridor. It will remain a non-motorized trail. We are encouraged to send comments to UDOT at 435-602-7440 or https://www.udot.utah.gov/SR248improved/
c. The tunnel at Park City High School is now under construction and will be completed August 9.
d. The Red Bus through Prospector Park will continue through the summer as it is now. Winter service will improve with 3 busses running regularly to provide better “on time” service.
11. Some neighborhood history see at: https://www.prospectorpark.com/
12. Jody Woods announced that on March 30, 2020 the SW corner of Kearns and Bonanza would be cleared for development of Arts and Cultural District. We would like to be informed and comment.
13. Adjournment
2. Those present: Bill and Kathy Ganson, Dee Ann Downing, Shirin Spangenbetg, Carol Smith, Torch and Sally Elliott, Chris Haslock, Nancy and Gary Pinnell, Shirley and Glenn Wright, Jay Sheridan, David Dorsey, Rob Thimm, Ed Orschel, Adam Strachan, Cheryl Govin, Alison and Chris Patton, Jody Wood, Larry Warren.
3. Motion to approve minutes of May 1, 2018 by Adam Strachan, seconded by Glenn Wright. Unanimous approval.
4. Motion to approve Financial Report by Larry Warren, seconded by Adam Strachan. Unanimous approval.
Financials as of 3/30/2019
5. Architecture Committee Update Gary Pinnell and Ed Orschel report that there have been only remodels. No new construction. Gary Pinnell wants to replace our three entry signs. He will get ideas and estimates and report to Board. Motion to approve Board decision on signs by Chris Patton. Seconded by Gary Pinnell. Unanimous approval. Gary would also like to hear about Park City’s long-term plans to replace aging water connection infrastructure. Alfred Knotts will investigate and reply.
6. Motion to re-elect to Board of Trustees: Cynthia Sandoval, Francie McNally and Glenn Wright to terms expiring 2022 by Gary Pinnell. Seconded by Chris Haslock. Unanimous approval.
7. Motion to re-elect to one-year terms on Construction/Architecture Committee: Gary Pinnell, Ed Orschel and Tom Ward by Sally Elliott, seconded by Glenn Wright. Unanimous approval.
8. Motion to set dues amount-June 1, 2019-May 31, 2020 at $25/year by Ed Orschel. Seconded by Gary Pinnell. Unanimous approval.
9. Unanimous decision to hold Lobstah Party-July 20 @ $30/lobster at Prospector Park. Adam Strachan will submit application to Park City.
10. Alfred Knotts, Park City Director of Transportation reported:
a. Bike lanes will be established on Deer Valley Drive from the traffic circle at Heber Avenue to Bonanza Drive. Alfred will send link to packet with particulars about plans.
b. SR248 improvement plans from Top Stop to US 40 are currently in NEPA phase. The Rail Trail was rejected as a possible corridor. It will remain a non-motorized trail. We are encouraged to send comments to UDOT at 435-602-7440 or https://www.udot.utah.gov/SR248improved/
c. The tunnel at Park City High School is now under construction and will be completed August 9.
d. The Red Bus through Prospector Park will continue through the summer as it is now. Winter service will improve with 3 busses running regularly to provide better “on time” service.
11. Some neighborhood history see at: https://www.prospectorpark.com/
12. Jody Woods announced that on March 30, 2020 the SW corner of Kearns and Bonanza would be cleared for development of Arts and Cultural District. We would like to be informed and comment.
13. Adjournment