1. Call to Order President, Helen Strachan
2. Determination of Quorum Determination of Quorum-102 paid qualified members. Quorum of 15%=15 members required. 17 proxies +18 properties = 35 members represented.
Those present: Torch & Sally Elliott, Francie McNally, Emery Blanchard, Nick Reynolds, Jerry Gibbs, Cheryl & Tim Govin, Shirley & Glenn Wright, Jeffey Butz, David Dorsey, Cynthia Sandoval, Heather Horsley, Tom Ward, Dee Downing, Helen Strachan, Dick & Sue Worley, Jody Woods, Jim Keesler, Chris Haslock, Ed Orchel,
Andy Beerman, Park City Mayor
3. Approval of minutes of May 2, 2017. Shirley Wright moved, Tim Govin seconded. Approved.
4. Financial Report Treasurer, Sally Elliott
Moved and second to approve financial report. All approved.
Financials as of 3/23/18
5. Architecture Committee Update Gary Pinnell
Ed Orschel
Paul Tan
Nothing to update from Architecture Committee. Paul Tan no longer lives here and will be replaced later in meeting.
6. Election of Trustees-3 Trustees expiring 2018 to replace or re-elect:
Dick Worley-Will NOT serve again
Jody Woods-Will serve again, if elected
Sally Elliott-Will serve again, if elected
Emery Blanchard was nominated to replace Dick Worley. Thanks to Dick Worley for all his service. Moved by Cynthia Sandoval, second by Glenn Wright. Approved
Jody Woods and Sally Elliott moved to re-elect by acclamation, Seconded. Approved
7. Election of Construction/Architecture Committee, annually to replace or re-elect:
Gary Pinnell Will serve again, if elected
Ed Orschel Will serve again, if elected
Paul Tan needs to be replaced because he longer lives here.
Tom Ward was nominated to replace Paul Tan. Shirley Wright moved, Jodie Woods second. Approved.
It was moved to re-elect Gary Pinnell and Ed Orschel by acclamation. All approved.
8. Set dues amount-June 1, 2018-May 31, 2019 $25/year
Francie McNally made a motion to continue the dues at $25/year. Jody Wood seconded. All approved.
9. Other Business:
Lobstah Party-Date Friday, July 7, 2018. Cost will increase to $30/pp. Shannon O’Neal will not be able to chair the event this year, but will provide lists and instructions. Volunteers include Ed Orschel, Jim Sandoval, Sally/Torch Elliott and Loretta Haslock. We could use quite a few more volunteers.
a. Mow/clean up the lot
b. Apply for special event permit
c. Order porta potty
d. Order lobsters and arrange delivery by Delta/courier
c. Shop for other stuff at COSTCO
d. Organize propane/cooker and assemble equipment we purchased from Bob Murphy last year.
10. Tim Govin, Transportation Corridor Stakeholder Meeting.
Tim Govin gave an update on the Kearns/SH 248 project. The last meeting of the State & City was held Jan 21, 2018. They did a power point presentation showing the results of City & State input for next steps. Members may go to http://udot.utah.gov/sr248improved to see the presentation. It also includes the Purpose and Needs statement that can be reviewed.
There will be more meetings this summer and then Fall 2018 there will be a draft plan to public. December 2018 will be a meeting for public input and the formal comment period. Implementation is scheduled for Summer 2019.
Please contact Tim if you have questions.
11. 7:30 Issues and concerns of membership: Andy Beerman, Park City Mayor
Andy came to the meeting to see if the membership had questions for him.
There were questions regarding:
--Rental homes and neighbors that experience tenant problems with parking and general disregard for “neighborly respect”. Andy stated that there isn’t really a lot the City can do unless it relates to code violations. Sally will contact the owner of one of the properties and let them know about these issues. The HOA can file a formal complaint to the City, if necessary.
--Poison Creek was discussed and Andy said due to on-going water issues, the creek will only be seasonal. Several solutions were discussed but nothing that was practical. Andy invited the neighborhood to a June 8 tamarisk removal “party”.
--A member discussed neighbors that have bright outdoor lights. Please be considerate to neighbors when using outdoor lighting. Park City is a Dark Skies city.
--Andy gave details regarding the Treasure Mtn. project and the proposed $64 million deal.
Other issues: Francie McNally gave information regarding an Aspen tree disease, Oyster Shell Scale that killed many of her aspen trees. She has seen this on several trees in the neighborhood. This is a link to an article that explains the insect. http://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/insects/oystershell-scale-5-513/
12. Adjournment. Sally Elliott moved and it was seconded. All approved.
2. Determination of Quorum Determination of Quorum-102 paid qualified members. Quorum of 15%=15 members required. 17 proxies +18 properties = 35 members represented.
Those present: Torch & Sally Elliott, Francie McNally, Emery Blanchard, Nick Reynolds, Jerry Gibbs, Cheryl & Tim Govin, Shirley & Glenn Wright, Jeffey Butz, David Dorsey, Cynthia Sandoval, Heather Horsley, Tom Ward, Dee Downing, Helen Strachan, Dick & Sue Worley, Jody Woods, Jim Keesler, Chris Haslock, Ed Orchel,
Andy Beerman, Park City Mayor
3. Approval of minutes of May 2, 2017. Shirley Wright moved, Tim Govin seconded. Approved.
4. Financial Report Treasurer, Sally Elliott
Moved and second to approve financial report. All approved.
Financials as of 3/23/18
5. Architecture Committee Update Gary Pinnell
Ed Orschel
Paul Tan
Nothing to update from Architecture Committee. Paul Tan no longer lives here and will be replaced later in meeting.
6. Election of Trustees-3 Trustees expiring 2018 to replace or re-elect:
Dick Worley-Will NOT serve again
Jody Woods-Will serve again, if elected
Sally Elliott-Will serve again, if elected
Emery Blanchard was nominated to replace Dick Worley. Thanks to Dick Worley for all his service. Moved by Cynthia Sandoval, second by Glenn Wright. Approved
Jody Woods and Sally Elliott moved to re-elect by acclamation, Seconded. Approved
7. Election of Construction/Architecture Committee, annually to replace or re-elect:
Gary Pinnell Will serve again, if elected
Ed Orschel Will serve again, if elected
Paul Tan needs to be replaced because he longer lives here.
Tom Ward was nominated to replace Paul Tan. Shirley Wright moved, Jodie Woods second. Approved.
It was moved to re-elect Gary Pinnell and Ed Orschel by acclamation. All approved.
8. Set dues amount-June 1, 2018-May 31, 2019 $25/year
Francie McNally made a motion to continue the dues at $25/year. Jody Wood seconded. All approved.
9. Other Business:
Lobstah Party-Date Friday, July 7, 2018. Cost will increase to $30/pp. Shannon O’Neal will not be able to chair the event this year, but will provide lists and instructions. Volunteers include Ed Orschel, Jim Sandoval, Sally/Torch Elliott and Loretta Haslock. We could use quite a few more volunteers.
a. Mow/clean up the lot
b. Apply for special event permit
c. Order porta potty
d. Order lobsters and arrange delivery by Delta/courier
c. Shop for other stuff at COSTCO
d. Organize propane/cooker and assemble equipment we purchased from Bob Murphy last year.
10. Tim Govin, Transportation Corridor Stakeholder Meeting.
Tim Govin gave an update on the Kearns/SH 248 project. The last meeting of the State & City was held Jan 21, 2018. They did a power point presentation showing the results of City & State input for next steps. Members may go to http://udot.utah.gov/sr248improved to see the presentation. It also includes the Purpose and Needs statement that can be reviewed.
There will be more meetings this summer and then Fall 2018 there will be a draft plan to public. December 2018 will be a meeting for public input and the formal comment period. Implementation is scheduled for Summer 2019.
Please contact Tim if you have questions.
11. 7:30 Issues and concerns of membership: Andy Beerman, Park City Mayor
Andy came to the meeting to see if the membership had questions for him.
There were questions regarding:
--Rental homes and neighbors that experience tenant problems with parking and general disregard for “neighborly respect”. Andy stated that there isn’t really a lot the City can do unless it relates to code violations. Sally will contact the owner of one of the properties and let them know about these issues. The HOA can file a formal complaint to the City, if necessary.
--Poison Creek was discussed and Andy said due to on-going water issues, the creek will only be seasonal. Several solutions were discussed but nothing that was practical. Andy invited the neighborhood to a June 8 tamarisk removal “party”.
--A member discussed neighbors that have bright outdoor lights. Please be considerate to neighbors when using outdoor lighting. Park City is a Dark Skies city.
--Andy gave details regarding the Treasure Mtn. project and the proposed $64 million deal.
Other issues: Francie McNally gave information regarding an Aspen tree disease, Oyster Shell Scale that killed many of her aspen trees. She has seen this on several trees in the neighborhood. This is a link to an article that explains the insect. http://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/insects/oystershell-scale-5-513/
12. Adjournment. Sally Elliott moved and it was seconded. All approved.