1. Call to Order Vice President, Jody Woods
2. Determination of Quorum -106 qualified members. Quorum of 15%=16 members required. 11 proxies +19 properties = 30 members represented.
Those present: Torch & Sally Elliott, Francie McNally, Dee Downing, Sam & DeAnn Costanzo, Nikki Schwerin, John Fry, Bill & Kathy Ganson, Helen & Adam Strachan, Gary Pinnell, Kathryn Meyer, David & Susan Huffmyer, Nick Barretta, Dick & Sue Worley, Nancy Allen, Jody Woods, Chris Haslock, Kerry Johnston, Melanie & Ben Martin, Ed Orchel,
Alfred Knotts and Darien Davis-Presenter from PCMC Transit, Bruce Erickson, PCMC Planner Director-Presenter, Linda Jager-Visitor PCMC
3. Approval of minutes of May 3, 2016. Sally Elliott moved, Helen Strachan seconded. Approved.
4. Financial Report Treasurer, Sally Elliott
Moved and second to approve financial report. All approved.
Financials as of 3/26/17
$14, 891.34
5. Architecture Committee Update Gary Pinnell
Ed Orschel
Paul Tan
Gary Pinnell commented that the CC&Rs are outdated but after discussion, decision to continue with the current CC&Rs due to the fact they are simple and in prior years, suggestions to change was met with strong resistance. There are only 3-4 vacant lots remaining and remodels were the main business for the Architectural Committee.
6. Election of Trustees-3 Trustees expiring 2017 to replace or re-elect:
Shannon O’Neal
Helen Strachan
Jay Sheridan
Sally moved to re-elect by acclamation, seconded. All approved.
7. Election of Construction/Architecture Committee, annually to replace or re-elect:
Gary Pinnell
Ed Orschel
Paul Tan
Sally Elliott moved to re-elect by acclamation, Helen Strachan seconded. All approved.
8. Set dues amount-June 1, 2017-May 31, 2018 $25/year
Sally Elliott made a motion to continue the dues at $25/year. Helen Stachan seconded. All approved.
9. Other Business:
* Lobstah Party-Date Friday, June 23, 2017 Increasing cost to $25/pp.
Bob Murphy is still willing to order and cook the lobsters. 100 maximum number of lobsters. June 1st final date for Lobstah reservations.
10. Repainting of neighborhood signs was discussed and Jody Woods & Shannon O’Neal will meet with Gary Pinnell to discuss new sign colors. The signs are nearly 20 years old and was agreed to re-touch rather than replace.
11. 7:30 Issues and concerns of membership:
a) Report and discussion of Park City Municipal bus routes-PCMC Transit Director
Alfred Knotts and Darien Davis.
Alfred Knotts was very impressed that ridership on the Red and Yellow bus for the 130 day season had increased by 42%!!! He complimented our neighborhood and said that increase was phenomenal and seldom seen. 2015-2016 had 6,300 riders and this 2016-2017 season increased to 9,123 riders. Average of 70 passengers/day which would translate to a decrease of 4,500 cars off the road at 2 persons/car.
The summer schedule will be the same as previous years with service on the Red bus line only.
here was discussion regarding possible changes next winter season. There were many suggestions and comments which included the following:
Next winter using only the Yellow bus but include a PCMR stop instead of only Deer Valley.
Many comments that having the Red & Yellow bus was redundant.
Suggestion that the city bus review routing times that correspond with school start and finish times.
Changing route so buses don’t go down Annie Oakley.
Increasing the time between stops so not as much pressure to stay on tight schedule by drivers.
It was suggested that the HOA will send a formal request to the City Transportation department regarding our suggestions.
Alfred took all the suggestions and will include them in City discussions regarding bus schedules and budget for next season. He will communicate outcome to the HOA.
b) Nightly rental/seasonal rental-Utah State Legislature changes, Bruce Erickson, City Planner.
Bruce presented a lot of information regarding the City’s Planning Dept. role in enforcing City code regarding nightly rental/seasonal rental. The Utah State Legislature allows the City to regulate nightly rentals. The State Legislature has made it illegal for the City to use internet searches to discover properties being advertised for nightly/seasonal rentals. In order for the City to cite a property owner for code violations, they must observe this activity. Therefore, neighbors can report possible violations and then the City can watch for violators.
Bruce has assigned 1 ½ planners to the Prospector neighborhood. They are Ashley Scarff ([email protected]) and Kristen Whetstone ([email protected]). Homeowners can contact them with questions or concerns
.Prospector CC&Rs do not address or restrict nightly/seasonal rentals because the City code has regulations addressing the issue. City code does not allow nightly/seasonal rentals in a Single Family zone so this is the same code for Prospector.
c) Trailers and RVs in driveways, in sideyards, parking on impervious surfaces and issues of
EPA Soil Cover Maintenance Agreement, Bruce Erickson.
Following are the proposed changes to RV/non-vehicle parking and soil cover maintenance.
Proposed changes allow RVs to park on the side of a home or in the driveway, as long as two off-street parking spaces are still available. A 30-consecutive-day time limit will also replace the current prohibition of RVs between April 1 and Nov. 1.
Pavers (a brick, tile, stone, or block that allows grass to grow in between) and permeable pavement are also added to concrete and asphalt as approved surfaces for parking pads. According to the report, pads are meant to prevent oil and runoff liquids from permeating the ground soil and storm water systems. Gravel mulch is not on the list.
Proposed changes would allow for use of gravel mulch in xeriscaping when accompanied by vegetation or larger boulders up to 50 percent of the yard. Gravel driveways would not be included, but both features should have a hard surface barrier to 'catch' scattering gravel
d) Other Park City Municpal issues, including summer construction schedule and possible future
Jody Woods brought up streetlights again that are L.E.D., less bright and shielded from upstairs window glare. Jody will follow up with Anne Laurent, Community Development Director.
12. Adjournment. Sally Elliott moved and it was seconded. All approved.
2. Determination of Quorum -106 qualified members. Quorum of 15%=16 members required. 11 proxies +19 properties = 30 members represented.
Those present: Torch & Sally Elliott, Francie McNally, Dee Downing, Sam & DeAnn Costanzo, Nikki Schwerin, John Fry, Bill & Kathy Ganson, Helen & Adam Strachan, Gary Pinnell, Kathryn Meyer, David & Susan Huffmyer, Nick Barretta, Dick & Sue Worley, Nancy Allen, Jody Woods, Chris Haslock, Kerry Johnston, Melanie & Ben Martin, Ed Orchel,
Alfred Knotts and Darien Davis-Presenter from PCMC Transit, Bruce Erickson, PCMC Planner Director-Presenter, Linda Jager-Visitor PCMC
3. Approval of minutes of May 3, 2016. Sally Elliott moved, Helen Strachan seconded. Approved.
4. Financial Report Treasurer, Sally Elliott
Moved and second to approve financial report. All approved.
Financials as of 3/26/17
$14, 891.34
5. Architecture Committee Update Gary Pinnell
Ed Orschel
Paul Tan
Gary Pinnell commented that the CC&Rs are outdated but after discussion, decision to continue with the current CC&Rs due to the fact they are simple and in prior years, suggestions to change was met with strong resistance. There are only 3-4 vacant lots remaining and remodels were the main business for the Architectural Committee.
6. Election of Trustees-3 Trustees expiring 2017 to replace or re-elect:
Shannon O’Neal
Helen Strachan
Jay Sheridan
Sally moved to re-elect by acclamation, seconded. All approved.
7. Election of Construction/Architecture Committee, annually to replace or re-elect:
Gary Pinnell
Ed Orschel
Paul Tan
Sally Elliott moved to re-elect by acclamation, Helen Strachan seconded. All approved.
8. Set dues amount-June 1, 2017-May 31, 2018 $25/year
Sally Elliott made a motion to continue the dues at $25/year. Helen Stachan seconded. All approved.
9. Other Business:
* Lobstah Party-Date Friday, June 23, 2017 Increasing cost to $25/pp.
Bob Murphy is still willing to order and cook the lobsters. 100 maximum number of lobsters. June 1st final date for Lobstah reservations.
10. Repainting of neighborhood signs was discussed and Jody Woods & Shannon O’Neal will meet with Gary Pinnell to discuss new sign colors. The signs are nearly 20 years old and was agreed to re-touch rather than replace.
11. 7:30 Issues and concerns of membership:
a) Report and discussion of Park City Municipal bus routes-PCMC Transit Director
Alfred Knotts and Darien Davis.
Alfred Knotts was very impressed that ridership on the Red and Yellow bus for the 130 day season had increased by 42%!!! He complimented our neighborhood and said that increase was phenomenal and seldom seen. 2015-2016 had 6,300 riders and this 2016-2017 season increased to 9,123 riders. Average of 70 passengers/day which would translate to a decrease of 4,500 cars off the road at 2 persons/car.
The summer schedule will be the same as previous years with service on the Red bus line only.
here was discussion regarding possible changes next winter season. There were many suggestions and comments which included the following:
Next winter using only the Yellow bus but include a PCMR stop instead of only Deer Valley.
Many comments that having the Red & Yellow bus was redundant.
Suggestion that the city bus review routing times that correspond with school start and finish times.
Changing route so buses don’t go down Annie Oakley.
Increasing the time between stops so not as much pressure to stay on tight schedule by drivers.
It was suggested that the HOA will send a formal request to the City Transportation department regarding our suggestions.
Alfred took all the suggestions and will include them in City discussions regarding bus schedules and budget for next season. He will communicate outcome to the HOA.
b) Nightly rental/seasonal rental-Utah State Legislature changes, Bruce Erickson, City Planner.
Bruce presented a lot of information regarding the City’s Planning Dept. role in enforcing City code regarding nightly rental/seasonal rental. The Utah State Legislature allows the City to regulate nightly rentals. The State Legislature has made it illegal for the City to use internet searches to discover properties being advertised for nightly/seasonal rentals. In order for the City to cite a property owner for code violations, they must observe this activity. Therefore, neighbors can report possible violations and then the City can watch for violators.
Bruce has assigned 1 ½ planners to the Prospector neighborhood. They are Ashley Scarff ([email protected]) and Kristen Whetstone ([email protected]). Homeowners can contact them with questions or concerns
.Prospector CC&Rs do not address or restrict nightly/seasonal rentals because the City code has regulations addressing the issue. City code does not allow nightly/seasonal rentals in a Single Family zone so this is the same code for Prospector.
c) Trailers and RVs in driveways, in sideyards, parking on impervious surfaces and issues of
EPA Soil Cover Maintenance Agreement, Bruce Erickson.
Following are the proposed changes to RV/non-vehicle parking and soil cover maintenance.
Proposed changes allow RVs to park on the side of a home or in the driveway, as long as two off-street parking spaces are still available. A 30-consecutive-day time limit will also replace the current prohibition of RVs between April 1 and Nov. 1.
Pavers (a brick, tile, stone, or block that allows grass to grow in between) and permeable pavement are also added to concrete and asphalt as approved surfaces for parking pads. According to the report, pads are meant to prevent oil and runoff liquids from permeating the ground soil and storm water systems. Gravel mulch is not on the list.
Proposed changes would allow for use of gravel mulch in xeriscaping when accompanied by vegetation or larger boulders up to 50 percent of the yard. Gravel driveways would not be included, but both features should have a hard surface barrier to 'catch' scattering gravel
d) Other Park City Municpal issues, including summer construction schedule and possible future
Jody Woods brought up streetlights again that are L.E.D., less bright and shielded from upstairs window glare. Jody will follow up with Anne Laurent, Community Development Director.
12. Adjournment. Sally Elliott moved and it was seconded. All approved.