1. Call to Order Vice-President, Jody Woods
2. Determination of Quorum-105 qualified members. Quorum of 15%=16 members required. 12 proxies +17 properties = 27 members represented.
Those present: Torch & Sally Elliott, Sallie & Rod Rinderknecht, Mark McKain, Paul Tan, Dick Worley, Nancy Allen, Jody Woods, Kathy Hunter, Cynthia & Jim Sandoval, Jay Sheridan, Sheryl & Tim Govin, Cathy and Bill Ganson, Hatch Haslock, David Huffmyer, David Wintzer, Helen Stanley, Bob Jasper, Christine Miller (renter), Ann Laurent (guest).
3. Approval of minutes of May 5, 2015. Sally Elliott moved, Jay Sheridan seconded. All voted yes.
4. Financial Report Treasurer, Sally Elliott
Financials as of 4/4/16
It appears that the Lobster Fest pays for itself and we increase just less than $2,000/year. Jay Sheridan moved to approve financial report, Bob Jasper seconded. All approved.
5. Architecture Committee Update: Paul Tan reported that the bulk of their approvals were for windows, roofs and fences. There was a stop work order on the vacant Lot #110 for improper excavation.
6. Election of Trustees-3 Trustees expiring 2016 to replace or re-elect: Cynthia Sandoval, Francie McNally, Glenn Wright. Sally moved to re-elect by acclamation, Jay Sheridan seconded. All approved.
7. Election of Construction/Architecture Committee, annually to replace or re-elect: Gary Pinnell,
Ed Orschel, Paul Tan. Sally Elliott moved to re-elect by acclamation, Jay Sheridan seconded. All approved.
8. Issues and concerns of membership.
a) Park City issues-Anne Laurent ([email protected]), Park City Community Development Director.
-Anne moved to Park City 6 months ago with her husband and two children. She is the first Community Development Director in Park City since 2002.
-Bob Jasper asked if the City or the BLM had determined yet when to remove the mine tailings in Silver Creek below the park. Anne said she would find out and let us know.
-She will also reply to queries about testing of individual lawns and properties in Prospector Park.
-Mark McKain asked how to plant a tree and was directed to Park City website: http://www.parkcity.org/departments/community-development/building-and-fire-safety/soil-ordinance and diagrams at http://www.parkcity.org/home/showdocument?id=12551. Sally explained that first you remove the six inches of topsoil and set it aside. Then you dig the hole, plant the tree and replace the topsoil. The Rail Trail as it runs through Prospector has a 50’ right of way and 8” of topsoil coverage. Prospector lots along the creek generally back up to the railroad easement (25’ from centerline”.
-Christine Miller asked about excavating for a basement and the answer is that you either create a berm and use the material on site, covering it with six inches of clean topsoil, or you haul it to an appropriate repository like Tooele.
-Cynthia Sandoval asked to have the ugly plastic poles in the new berm on Wyatt Earp replaced with something more attractive.
-Several people questioned the new stormwater tax applied to Park City homes as outlined in the recent mailer. Fees will be assessed on neighborhood averages of impervious surfaces and may be appealed.
-Cynthia Sandoval and Jody Woods want prettier streetlights that are L.E.D., less bright and shielded from upstairs window glare. Cynthia’s streetlight has been out for years and never replaced despite many calls to Park City.
b) Driveway cocktail parties – Cathy Ganson reported that Sundays at 4:00 p.m. has proven to be the best time. She will get a list.
9. Set dues amount-June 1, 2016-May 31, 2017-Bob Jasper made a motion to set the dues at $25/year. Helen Stanley seconded. All approved.
10. Other Business:
Mark McKain wants to replace the entry signs for Prospector Park. He will contact Shannon O’Neal and work with Jody Woods who also feel that the signs are dated and need to be replaced.
Lobstah Party-Friday, July 15---limited to 120 lobsters
11. Adjournment: Sally Elliott moved to adjourn, Kathy Hunter seconded. All approved.
In response to my querry 5/4/16, Jim Blankenau, Soils Ordinance Compliance Officer:
“I am currently getting bids for and XRF machine. I estimate it will cost around $35,000. Once I have several bids I will have to get approval for the purchase through our budgeting process.
There are no plans to conduct systematic inspections in Prospector Park. Currently inspections are done at the property owners request. Request typically come in as part of property transactions. If a property does not meet the 200 ppm cap requirement and has been issued a Certificate of Compliance the property is considered non-conforming with the ordinance. If the property owner then does landscaping the landscaping must then be brought into conformance with the ordinance. Often potential purchasers or new owners opt to improve landscaping and bring properties into conformance as part of the transaction.
The intent of an XRF is to aid in expediting inspections (laboratory analysis takes up to two weeks) and identify problem areas in yards. It would also be used for inspecting and aiding City infrastructure projects.”
Here are Anne Laurent’s responses to our questions:
What is the status of updating the soil ordinance – hauling? Due to the current regulatory status of Richardson Flat we are unable to haul metals impacted soils to Richardson Flat. The City continues to look for disposal options, but currently the only two facilities that are accepting the waste are in Tooele County. The two facilities are Clean Harbors – Grassy Mountain Landfill and Wasatch Regional Landfill.
What is the status of the BLM land and needed clean up east of the Prospector neighborhood adjacent to the rail trail? This area is called Silver Maples Claim and is in Operable Unit 3 of the Richardson Flat CERCLA site. Untied Park City Mines has signed an Administrative Order on Consent to perform an Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis Investigation (EE/CA) and Removal Action on this area. It is our current understanding that United Park City Mines is in the Site Characterization phase of the EE/CA. Once the EE/CA has been completed and remedy will be selected and implemented by United Park City Mines. The EPA is the lead agency overseeing the cleanup.
What is the reason of the stop work order on the house under construction?
A stop work order was placed on 2510 Sidewinder for work without a permit.
When will City Council discuss storm water fees next?
May 12, 2016. Most likely at 5:20 PM, but we won’t know for sure until the agenda is published.
Where do you want their street light and yellow posts in planter concerns/requests/complaints sent?
Please report street lighting and road issues to the Public Utilities, Streets and Lighting Department, 435-615-5335. I’ve already inquired about the yellow posts on the concrete planters. I assume they were placed there for snow removal, but I could be wrong.
2. Determination of Quorum-105 qualified members. Quorum of 15%=16 members required. 12 proxies +17 properties = 27 members represented.
Those present: Torch & Sally Elliott, Sallie & Rod Rinderknecht, Mark McKain, Paul Tan, Dick Worley, Nancy Allen, Jody Woods, Kathy Hunter, Cynthia & Jim Sandoval, Jay Sheridan, Sheryl & Tim Govin, Cathy and Bill Ganson, Hatch Haslock, David Huffmyer, David Wintzer, Helen Stanley, Bob Jasper, Christine Miller (renter), Ann Laurent (guest).
3. Approval of minutes of May 5, 2015. Sally Elliott moved, Jay Sheridan seconded. All voted yes.
4. Financial Report Treasurer, Sally Elliott
Financials as of 4/4/16
It appears that the Lobster Fest pays for itself and we increase just less than $2,000/year. Jay Sheridan moved to approve financial report, Bob Jasper seconded. All approved.
5. Architecture Committee Update: Paul Tan reported that the bulk of their approvals were for windows, roofs and fences. There was a stop work order on the vacant Lot #110 for improper excavation.
6. Election of Trustees-3 Trustees expiring 2016 to replace or re-elect: Cynthia Sandoval, Francie McNally, Glenn Wright. Sally moved to re-elect by acclamation, Jay Sheridan seconded. All approved.
7. Election of Construction/Architecture Committee, annually to replace or re-elect: Gary Pinnell,
Ed Orschel, Paul Tan. Sally Elliott moved to re-elect by acclamation, Jay Sheridan seconded. All approved.
8. Issues and concerns of membership.
a) Park City issues-Anne Laurent ([email protected]), Park City Community Development Director.
-Anne moved to Park City 6 months ago with her husband and two children. She is the first Community Development Director in Park City since 2002.
-Bob Jasper asked if the City or the BLM had determined yet when to remove the mine tailings in Silver Creek below the park. Anne said she would find out and let us know.
-She will also reply to queries about testing of individual lawns and properties in Prospector Park.
-Mark McKain asked how to plant a tree and was directed to Park City website: http://www.parkcity.org/departments/community-development/building-and-fire-safety/soil-ordinance and diagrams at http://www.parkcity.org/home/showdocument?id=12551. Sally explained that first you remove the six inches of topsoil and set it aside. Then you dig the hole, plant the tree and replace the topsoil. The Rail Trail as it runs through Prospector has a 50’ right of way and 8” of topsoil coverage. Prospector lots along the creek generally back up to the railroad easement (25’ from centerline”.
-Christine Miller asked about excavating for a basement and the answer is that you either create a berm and use the material on site, covering it with six inches of clean topsoil, or you haul it to an appropriate repository like Tooele.
-Cynthia Sandoval asked to have the ugly plastic poles in the new berm on Wyatt Earp replaced with something more attractive.
-Several people questioned the new stormwater tax applied to Park City homes as outlined in the recent mailer. Fees will be assessed on neighborhood averages of impervious surfaces and may be appealed.
-Cynthia Sandoval and Jody Woods want prettier streetlights that are L.E.D., less bright and shielded from upstairs window glare. Cynthia’s streetlight has been out for years and never replaced despite many calls to Park City.
b) Driveway cocktail parties – Cathy Ganson reported that Sundays at 4:00 p.m. has proven to be the best time. She will get a list.
9. Set dues amount-June 1, 2016-May 31, 2017-Bob Jasper made a motion to set the dues at $25/year. Helen Stanley seconded. All approved.
10. Other Business:
Mark McKain wants to replace the entry signs for Prospector Park. He will contact Shannon O’Neal and work with Jody Woods who also feel that the signs are dated and need to be replaced.
Lobstah Party-Friday, July 15---limited to 120 lobsters
11. Adjournment: Sally Elliott moved to adjourn, Kathy Hunter seconded. All approved.
In response to my querry 5/4/16, Jim Blankenau, Soils Ordinance Compliance Officer:
“I am currently getting bids for and XRF machine. I estimate it will cost around $35,000. Once I have several bids I will have to get approval for the purchase through our budgeting process.
There are no plans to conduct systematic inspections in Prospector Park. Currently inspections are done at the property owners request. Request typically come in as part of property transactions. If a property does not meet the 200 ppm cap requirement and has been issued a Certificate of Compliance the property is considered non-conforming with the ordinance. If the property owner then does landscaping the landscaping must then be brought into conformance with the ordinance. Often potential purchasers or new owners opt to improve landscaping and bring properties into conformance as part of the transaction.
The intent of an XRF is to aid in expediting inspections (laboratory analysis takes up to two weeks) and identify problem areas in yards. It would also be used for inspecting and aiding City infrastructure projects.”
Here are Anne Laurent’s responses to our questions:
What is the status of updating the soil ordinance – hauling? Due to the current regulatory status of Richardson Flat we are unable to haul metals impacted soils to Richardson Flat. The City continues to look for disposal options, but currently the only two facilities that are accepting the waste are in Tooele County. The two facilities are Clean Harbors – Grassy Mountain Landfill and Wasatch Regional Landfill.
What is the status of the BLM land and needed clean up east of the Prospector neighborhood adjacent to the rail trail? This area is called Silver Maples Claim and is in Operable Unit 3 of the Richardson Flat CERCLA site. Untied Park City Mines has signed an Administrative Order on Consent to perform an Engineering Evaluation and Cost Analysis Investigation (EE/CA) and Removal Action on this area. It is our current understanding that United Park City Mines is in the Site Characterization phase of the EE/CA. Once the EE/CA has been completed and remedy will be selected and implemented by United Park City Mines. The EPA is the lead agency overseeing the cleanup.
What is the reason of the stop work order on the house under construction?
A stop work order was placed on 2510 Sidewinder for work without a permit.
When will City Council discuss storm water fees next?
May 12, 2016. Most likely at 5:20 PM, but we won’t know for sure until the agenda is published.
Where do you want their street light and yellow posts in planter concerns/requests/complaints sent?
Please report street lighting and road issues to the Public Utilities, Streets and Lighting Department, 435-615-5335. I’ve already inquired about the yellow posts on the concrete planters. I assume they were placed there for snow removal, but I could be wrong.